If you have an event you would like me to post, please call me at the number below and I will tell you how to send me then info.
Let's get going with the 2025 cruise & show season.
Westfield Cruisers
Presents, the Seventeenth Annual Mid-Winter Blues Party
Sunday, March 9, 2025 4pm to 8pm
At the Westfield Elks Lodge Corner of Franklin & Washington Streets Westfield, MA.
Join us for fun-food-music & dancing. There will be raffles & a 50/50 raffle.
Bring your own snacks, PLEASE NO BEVERAGES, there is a cash bar.
Pizza will be served at 6:00
A donation of any sweet treats to share, will be gladly accepted, but not mandatory.
It is $12.00 per person. Please RSVP by March 3rd. by calling (413) 562-1346. I need a head count for the pizza.
If you would like to pay in advance, make checks payable to (WESTFIELD CRUISERS)
Send to: Westfield Cruisers 17 Bartlett St. Westfield, MA 01085
This is a great place to share the upcoming events for 2025, so if you have flyers for events, bring them.
Classic Burgers, Tuesday nite cruise is back!!!!
Classic Burgers, 1261 Westfield St. (Rt. 20) W.Springfield, MA. will host their cruise once a month on Tuesdays.
Here is the seasons schedule;
May 6th
June 3rd
July 1st
August 5th
September 2nd
October 7th
These are all the first Tuesday of each month, rain dates will be the following Tuesday.
There will be raffles and meal deals and ice cream specials for attendees.
Gary from Back in Time/Westfield Cruisers, will run the event, music,announcing & raffles.
For any more info. call Gary @ (413)562-1346 or Classic Burgers @ (413)363-1654
Remember, you can visit Classic Burgers any day or night of the week all year.
Just a note, the ice cream is made in house !!!